Latest News December 2024

Notice for December and the New year:

Join us for Carols by Candlelight on Sunday 15th December @6pm followed by warm drinks and cookies!


You are warmly invited to join us for our Annual Thanksgiving Celebration on Saturday 23rd November at 2pm. Invite your friends and family. Bring and Share!

Join us for our Student Welcome Service on Sunday 13th October at 6pm. Students (and also non-students!) are welcome! Invite your friends! Eat Pizza! Get to know more students! Praise God together! Hear testimonies! It’s going to be a great night!

Church in the Park: Sunday 14th and 21st July (weather permitting)


Join us to celebrate Palm Sunday:

They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting “Hosanna!”

“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the king of Israel!”

John 12 v 13

Join us for our special Easter Sunday celebration at the beach! Everyone Welcome.

Join a Discipleship Group as we study God’s word together to help us grow in Christ and in fellowship with one another.

Carols by Candlelight: Sunday 17th December @6pm

Sunday 24th December and Sunday 31st December Bilbao International Church is invited to join Sarriko Church for their Sunday services at 12 noon. The next BIC evening service will be Sunday 7th January 2024. Happy Christmas to everyone!

Thanksgiving Celebration Meal: Saturday 25th November @ 1.45pm

Join us for our annual Thanksgiving Meal and Celebration on Saturday 25th November at 1.45pm. Bring and share! Invite your friends.


Student Welcome Service

Sunday 8th October @ 6pm

Join us for the Men’s Discipleship Group for Students and Young Adults

Fridays @ 7pm

1. Men’s Discipleship meeting of the fall on Tuesdays at 7pm at the church. Together we will grow in community, mission, and becoming more like Christ! Join us!

2. Women of BIC: Fridays at 10.30am. Come and join us as we have fellowship and study the topic of “Gospel and Community” together. Email for more details.


You can find more information about upcoming BIC events at